We’re on this journey with you.

The sole purpose of Surrogacy Project is to empower and properly equip those looking to create a family through an Independent Surrogacy journey, with the correct information and guidance to do so at an affordable cost.

The Ultimate Guide(s)

The Ultimate Guide: A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Independent Surrogacy Journey Written for Surrogates cover image

A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Surrogacy Journey

a step by step manual to Managing your surrogate journey

Each surrogacy guide has been written specifically for the party involved and is full of expert knowledge. It is designed to walk anyone looking to pursue a surrogacy journey through each step of the process.

The information compiled within the individualized guides will give you all the confidence needed to seamlessly manage your surrogate journey from beginning to end.

Two Journals. Two Stories.
One Surrogacy.

These guided journals allow for the opportunity to capture this wonderful journey from both sides of the surrogacy.

Within it, both the Surrogate & Intended Parent(s) are able to put their own, unique experiences into words, chronicle important milestones and track updates on how the baby is growing & developing throughout the entire pregnancy. 

At the end of the surrogate journey, each side has the opportunity to gift their journal to the other party; including final thoughts and wishing them a lifetime full of health & happiness.

Intended Parents Journal: A Gift to My Surrogate pink cover with floral print
Surrogate Journal: A Gift to My Intended Parent(s) green cover with floral print
Baby feet sticking out from blanket
Baby basket on changing table

Meet the people behind the memories.