Guide Your Own Surrogacy Journey  

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The guide(s) are designed for those who want an expert understanding of the surrogacy process in order to better manage their surrogacy journey. Whether you are a Surrogate or an Intended Parent, with an agency or going independent; utilizing your specific guide will provide you with the confidence needed to undertake such a delicate process. Knowledge is Key.

Empowering you with expertise.

While there is no determined path in a journey, The Ultimate Guide: A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Surrogacy Journey will provide you the knowledge and guidance on the first steps to take, leading you through each and every phase until after delivery. All while providing you with adequate space to keep all information in one place.

A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Surrogacy Journey

A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Surrogacy Journey

The Intended Parent(s) Ultimate Guide

Written with Intended Parent(s) in mind, this manual will guide you through your journey from start to finish.

An agency fee can cost upwards of $35k+ with no guarantees. This guide is a fraction of the cost, providing you with the same information you would receive by a professional agency.

Designed in journal format with 11 detailed sections and 141 pages explaining the step-by-step process of a surrogacy journey. Keep all information in one place; from how to budget, vetting your surrogate and preparing your legal referral all the way through what to do at the hospital at delivery and after.

If you are looking to have an expert understanding of the surrogacy process; The Ultimate Guide is what you are looking for. Utilizing the information within will provide you with the confidence needed to undertake such a delicate process.

Surrogacy Project hopes to empower you with the knowledge and expertise needed to manage your surrogacy journey at a more affordable cost.

The ultimate guide to become a surrogate
independent surrogate journey, intended parent, surrogate, ivf, belly buddy

The Surrogate’s Ultimate Guide

A Step-by-Step Manual to Managing Your Surrogacy Journey

Written with Surrogates in mind, this step-by-step manual will provide you with the information needed for your journey from start to finish.

Taking an active role in your journey is imperative. Designed in journal format with 9 detailed sections and 115 pages explaining the step-by-step process of your surrogacy journey. Keep all information in one place; from how to make sure your IP(s) budget is realistic and what to look out for, vetting your Intended Parent(s), how to manifest your desired benefit package and preparing for the medical and legal process all the way through what to do at the hospital after you deliver!

If you are looking to have an expert understanding of the surrogacy process; with you as the surrogate at the forefront; The Surrogate’s Ultimate Guide is what you are looking for. Utilizing the information within will provide you with the confidence needed to undertake such a delicate process.

Surrogacy Project wants to empower you with the confidence and resources needed to manage your surrogacy journey successfully.

With every page, we’re giving you the confidence & support needed to independently navigate your own surrogacy journey.

Each Guide includes similar sections but with detailed information pertaining to the applicable party.

Section Overviews page from The Ultimate Guide, how to start your surrogacy journey

Section Overviews

With 11 different sections detailing each step, you’ll know how to start and what to do next with everything else in-between.

Your Journey Experts page from The Ultimate Guide, who do you need to help during your surrogate journey

List of Experts

Know the important players in this process, connect with confidence and the knowledge to not be mislead.

Step-by-step Vetting Workflow page from The Ultimate Guide, what questions do I need to ask my surrogate


Know what to ask, what to confirm and how to go about this detailed process to find your perfect match.

Protocol Calendars

Samples of a protocol calendar are at your disposal- and can also be given as an editable PDF.

OBGYN Details

Get organize and know when the IVF graduation will happen, and what doctor will be focusing on the continuation of care.

PBO Process

Details of how and when you should start this process and the experts involved to establish your parental rights!

Prepping for Delivery

This section has everything you need to know about this important milestone. Do not be blindsided by something unexpected after the birth.

Birth Plan

Use this section in the beginning and again at the end to ensure everyone is still on the same page. You can download it here!

Delivery "What To Do" page from The Ultimate Guide, what to do at the delivery hospital

Delivery “What To Do”

Prepare yourself for what to expect after the delivery. Birth certificate, social security card process and so much more.